Ct Con was on 7/9-7/11 and I was able to go for the entire weekend! One of the things I love about cons is that I get to be around a large group of people who don't look at me a judge. I can be crazy and free as I want to be. Screaming "PASTA" when I want(APH) and dressing in cuteness with no glaring stares. I think though my favorite part of cons is the random moments that can occur. For example my favorite thing was when some random guy touched my shoulder and says "Your it" this cause a spontaneous game for tag at 12am. I think we were all laughing for an hour! There was also a lot of great cosplays! I think that cosplayers are awesome, they are people who wont grow up. I mean come on cosplaying is kinda just like dress up! I wish that I could attend more and larger cons, maybe in the future! Here are some photos from my adventure!

Me In my Nana cosplay with my friend Amy in Gothic Lolita

Nalani-chan as Shin and me as Nana

Nalani-chan as Nina(from Breath of Fire) and me with on of the people we fallow on DA, Nny!

This is the group I hung out with all weekend.

hehe Jesus

Me with Demyx from Kingdom Hearts 2