So the other day I was staring at my closet and started to think about what would I wear if I was going to "insert event here." So I have decided to do posts about some of the music artist I would love to see and the outfit I would wear to their concerts. I'm going to start with what I would have to say is my all time favorite musician, Emile Autumn. She has such an unique voice and creates such a haunting sounds. She also has a crazy style that I would love to wear!

One of my favorite songs is "Misery Loves Company" Here are the lovely lyrics:
It's not the time
It's not the place
I'm just another pretty face
So don't come any closer
You're not the first
You're not the last
How many more?
Don't even ask
You're one more dead composer
Do I need you?
Yes and no
Do I want you?
Maybe so
You're getting warm
Tou're getting warm
You're getting warmer oh
Did you plan this all along
Did you care if it was wrong
Who's getting warmer now
That I'm gone
Misery loves company
And company loves more
More loves everybody else
But hell is others
I'm not for you
You're not for me
I'll kill you first
You wait and see
You devil undercover
You're not a prince
You're not a friend
You're just a child
And in the end
You're one more selfish lover
Do I need you?
Yes and no
Do I want you?
Maybe so
You're getting warm
You're getting warm
You're getting warmer oh
Did you plan this all along
Did you care if it was wrong
Who's getting warmer now
That I'm gone
Misery loves company
And company loves more
More loves everybody else
But hell is others
You're so easy to read
But the book is boring me
You're so easy to read
But the book is boring me
You're so easy to read
But the book is boring
Boring boring boring boring
Boring boring me
Pray for me
If you want to
Pray for me
If you care
Pray for me
If you want to
Pray for me
If you dare
Pray for me
If you want to
Pray for me
If you care
Pray for me
If you want to
Pray for me you fucker
If you fucking dare
Misery loves company
And company loves more
More loves everybody else
But hell is others

This I what I would wear. Both dress and bloomers are Bodyline. Note my Hello Kitty band-aid on my right hand, I got hurt at work again! I wish that Emile would come and do a whole tour in the US. She has only come to NYC a few times. Go and listen to her music
More post like this to come!